The members of the Sacred Heart Pastoral Council are Cindy Campbell, Randy Carstens, Todd Kowitz, Heather Miller, Dawna Parazoo, and Father Kenny St. Hilaire. The members of the Immaculate Conception Pastoral Council are John Arendas, Cindy Campbell, Kathy Johnson, Susan Montgomery, Lenny Neyens, Anna Park, Father Kenny St. Hilaire, and Wendy Woods, Minutes and agendas for the meetings can be found here.
Summary of Sacred Heart of Jesus Pastoral Council December 9, 2023
Meeting attended by Cindy Campbell, Randy Carstens, Todd Kowitz, Tim Montowski, Father St. Hilaire, and Dawna Parazoo. Heather Miller was not available.
Father’s Updates
• Annual Report: Father is completing the Annual Report in Microsoft Publisher. It will be two pages with pie charts of the financials and a letter from Father. It will go as an insert into the weekly bulletin.
• Spiritual Direction program: Father was accepted into a Spiritual Direction program offered by the Institute for Priestly Formation (IPF). As Father does Spiritual Direction for Bishop White seminarians, Father Barnett suggested that this might be an opportunity to get additional support and learnings for Spiritual direction. IPF is in Omaha, Nebraska, but the Spiritual Direction program will be hosted in Chicago at the Mundelein Seminary. One of the three sessions each year is a retreat. The cohort of 9-12 priests meets Sunday evening through Friday midday three times each year for three years. The first session is Sunday, April 28 – May 3rd. Father will most likely have a substitute for Sunday Masses these weeks due to flight times to Chicago.
• Amazing Parish update: (
• Our Parish Leadership Team (PLT) consists of four people – Phil Stalp, Dave Hewes, Cindy Campbell, and Loriann Gigous.
• These four individuals have met weekly since the last Pastoral Council meetings. The primary focus of those meetings has been an overview and initiation into what the Amazing Parish’s Mission is and how they can assist our parish.
Open Projects
• Lighting
• Floener Electric did repairs to the light poles so that the parking lot lighting is quite good.
• Action: Need to contact Floener regarding the ‘leaning’ light pole and see what needs to be done. The pole is in tough shape. Tim suggested that if we get a different pole, we relocate it to a better position in the parking lot.
• Signage
• The Council approved the three signs – two for posts on Hwy. 395 by the Kettle Falls Welcome sign and one two-sided sign for the Church parking lot. Cindy will get the check to Colville Sign the week of December 11th.
• Knights of Columbus update – Randy
• The McGiveney Pie auction raised over $2,000.
• The Knights are planning a breakfast fundraiser in January, 2024.
• The Knights are looking at other areas of needs that they can support financially through their fundraising and volunteer efforts.
• Lessons and Carols, 7:30 p.m. December 21st.
• Todd said that there will be around eight readings with appropriate carols to follow each reading.
60-day outlook – Cindy
• Advent Communal Confession, @ ICP on 12/15 5:30 p.m.
• Lessons & Carols, @ SHJ, 12/21 7:30 p.m.
• Christmas Mass Schedule
• Saturday, December 23 6:00 p.m. Sunday Vigil Mass @ Sacred Heart of Jesus
• Sunday, December 24 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass at ICP, Colville
• Sunday, December 24 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass @ ICP, Colville
• Sunday, December 24 6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass @ Sacred Heart of Jesus, Kettle
• Sunday, December 24 9:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass @ ICP, Republic
• Monday, December 25 9:00 a.m. Christmas Day Mass @ ICP, Colville
• New Years Mass 11:30 a.m.@ ICP (not a Holy Day)
• Salish Sea Concert, @ ICP 1/31, 7:30 p.m.
• Mardis Gras @ Ag Trade Center 2/13
Items that the council members wish to bring forward:
• Agreed to host a food drive during the six weekends of Lent. Food would be taken to the Kettle Falls Food Bank.
• Tim would like to teach a class on how to make Knotted Rosaries. Father suggested doing it on a Friday in late January as Lent begins on 2/14.
Member terms – each person was asked to provide Father with their length of term.
SHJ Renovation
• Father reviewed the design drawings from Rosemary Shaw. The counsel liked the concept of having the Church entrance level with the parking lot.
• Discussed options that could be floated by the designer if we cannot afford certain aspects of the renovation (go w/out a lift, renovation on one bathroom for ADA compliance, ensure that we have easy access for funeral entourage and coffin).
• Meeting again with Rosemary Shaw in late January.
Next Meeting date: Tim will get back to Cindy on whether there is a conflict with 2/17.
The meeting was adjourned around 9:00 p.m.
Summary of Immaculate Conception Pastoral Council November 28, 2023
Meeting attended by John Arendas, Cindy Campbell, Jayne Deardorff, Father St. Hilaire, Ted Van Cleave, and Wendy Woods. Kathy Johnson and Lenny Neyens were not available.
Father’s Updates
• Annual Report: Father is completing the Annual Report in Microsoft Publisher. It will be two pages with pie charts of the financials and a letter from Father. It will go as an insert into the weekly bulletin.
• Colville Haven blessing: Catholic Charities asked Father to do a blessing of the grounds that the Haven will be built on (on Buena Vista Drive). It was attended by a small group and photos from the event were put in the bulletin. Ready for occupancy - 2025
• Spiritual Direction program: Father was accepted into a Spiritual Direction program offered by the Institute for Priestly Formation (IPF). As Father does Spiritual Direction for Bishop White seminarians, Father Barnett suggested that this might be an opportunity to get additional support and learnings for Spiritual direction. IPF is in Omaha, Nebraska, but the Spiritual Direction program will be hosted in Chicago at the Mundelein Seminary. One of the three sessions each year is a retreat. The cohort of 9-12 priests meets Sunday evening through Friday midday three times each year for three years. The first session is Sunday, April 28 – May 3rd. Father will most likely have a substitute for Sunday Masses these weeks due to flight times to Chicago.
• Amazing Parish update:
• Our Parish Leadership Team (PLT) consists of four people – Phil Stalp, Dave Hewes, Cindy Campbell, and Loriann Gigous.
• These four individuals have met weekly since the last Pastoral Council meetings. The primary focus of those meetings has been an overview and initiation into what the Amazing Parish’s Mission is and how they can assist our parish.
Father recommended that if a funeral is held on a weekday, that only one Mass, the funeral Mass, be celebrated. If there is a Mass intention on the day of the funeral, the office will contact the person offering the Mass intention and ask if it could be moved. The council agreed with Father’s recommendation.
The Sacred Heart Pastoral Council recommended that the Parish Picnic move from August to September. The ICP Council agreed.
Christmas Mass Schedule
• Saturday, December 23 6:00 p.m. Sunday Vigil Mass @ Sacred Heart of Jesus
• Sunday, December 24 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass at ICP, Colville
• Sunday, December 24 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass @ ICP, Colville
• Sunday, December 24 6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass @ Sacred Heart of Jesus, Kettle
• Sunday, December 24 9:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass @ ICP, Republic
• Monday, December 25 9:00 a.m. Christmas Day Mass @ ICP, Colville
Open Projects:
• Pre-born memorial – working to get the plans finalized such that the memorial can be placed on the grounds in the Spring, 2024.
• Altar railing – other than acquiring the materials, no headway has been made on this project.
Knights of Columbus update – Ted
• Coats for Kids was held at both Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Conception and went well.
• The McGiveney Pie auction raised over $2,000.
• The Knights are looking at other areas of needs that they can support financially through their fundraising and volunteers.
60-day outlook – Cindy
• Key items: Holy Day with Reception to follow (Friday, 12/8), Advent Communal Confession (Friday, 12/15), Lessons & Carols @ SHJ (Thursday, 12/21), Christmas Mass schedule, New Year’s Day Mass (Monday, 1/1) Salish Sea (Thursday 1/31), Mardi Gras (Tuesday, 2/13), Lenten Warriors, Lenten suppers each Friday, Presence from on Tuesday’s during Lent @ ICP
Items that the council members wish to bring forward.
• Wendy suggested that the parish do a trunk and treat or something similar for Halloween in 2024.
• John asked about the work done earlier on Mission Statements. Father complimented the members on the work on the Mission Statements but has put this on hold for right now.
Member terms:
• Ted and Jayne will complete their terms in May 2024. John and Kathy will continue until May 2025. Wendy continues until May 2026. Lenny’s term is still open.
• The council identified potential candidates and Father will take the next step with them.
Set the next meeting date in January (either January 23rd or January 30th.
The meeting adjourned around 8 p.m.
Summary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Pastoral Council held on October 14, 2023
Fr. Kenny, Cindy Campbell, Randy Carstens, Todd Kowitz, Heather Miller, Tim Montowski and Dawna Parazoo attended the meeting.
Father’s Updates
Youth Group (YG) meets each Wednesday during the school year. Each evening begins with dinner followed by an activity, Father’s lesson, and guided mediation in front of the Eucharist. Additional adults attending Ordinary Rite of Christian Initiation (OCIA) attend each Wednesday as well, but they join only for the lesson and adoration.
Ali Usher is assisting both Deer Park YG and our YG and the two groups are collaborating on future events.
Father Kenny and five other priests from the Diocese were invited to attend the Amazing Parish summit in Phoenix. Amazing Parish is a movement began about five years ago by Pat Lencioni and John Martin to collaborate with primarily diocesan priests in their leadership and help establish organizational health of a parish.
Father attended the follow-on Amazing Parish Boot Camp (Zoom based) and is working with an Amazing Parish consultant. began to develop the Parish Leadership Team. Teams generally consist of three to five individuals.
Our Parish Leadership team consists of four people – Phil Stalp, Dave Hewes, Cindy Campbell, and Loriann Gigous. These four individuals will meet over the next six to eight weeks using pre-scripted videos from Amazing Parish. That will be followed by additional working sessions.
The Parish Leadership team is culture focused as well as working Father in daily parish management and operating principles. The Pastoral Council will continue to collaborate with Father as well advising on items specific to a parish.
Signage: Two SHJ parish signs have been approved by the city of Kettle Falls. These signs will go next to the “Welcome to Kettle Falls” signs on each side of town on Hwy. 395. Many thanks to Keith Miller for his collaboration with Colville Sign for the signs.
Signage: One more sign will go in the SHJ parking lot, but the light poles must be fixed before the sign will go up.
Lightning: Floener Electric will examine and repair the parking lot lights. No exact timetable was given. Father has also asked them to fix the lights in the car port and suggest an appropriate solution for a dawn to dusk light in the back area of the Church property.
Building Renovation: Father is working with Rosemary Shaw, from R&R design, to create a set of blueprints for the renovation. The current plan is to have the entrance for the Church to be at the same level as the parking lot. Blueprints will allow a thorough construction estimate to be completed. Father is looking for an initial set of blueprints from Rosemay in November.
Renovation of Mary and Joseph Statues
The Blessed Virgin statue has been completed and looks incredibly beautiful.
Father recommended that the St. Joseph statue be taken to Wilbur where the artists could more easily work on that renovation.
Tim volunteered to drive the statue to their home at the appropriate time in the Spring of 2024.
Father is working on the Annual Report – finances for Sacred Heart look very good. A CD was opened at the bank this summer.
John Dotts is going to blow out the sprinkler system; he is also doing the plowing this winter.
Guardian Pest Control was at the Church to look at a solution for the fly situation. There was not a clear cut, neat solution from them for the issue.
Steubenville – Heather
Heather reported that the summer Steubenville event was impactful for her and many others from our parish community. Over 1,000 youth attended the event hosted by the diocese.
Picnic feedback
Recommendation from the Council was to move the All-Parish picnic from August to September to avoid fires, smoke, and mosquitos.
St. Monica Prayer group and intentions – Cindy
Over 250 names have been entered into the three books used at the St. Monica prayer group.
ACTS Retreat – Randy
Randy reported that the retreat went well and that he and Phil Stalp are looking at trying to get an ACTS retreat in closer proximity – Spokane.
60-day outlook – Cindy
Key items: Coats for Kids, Coats for Kids fundraiser, Father McGivney Pie Auction.
Christmas Mass schedule
Saturday, December 23 6:00 p.m. Sunday Vigil Mass @ Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sunday, December 24 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass at ICP, Colville
Sunday, December 24 4:00 p.m. Christmas Mass @ ICP, Colville
Sunday, December 24 6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass @ Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sunday, December 24 9:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass @ ICP, Republic*
Monday, December 25 9:00 a.m. Christmas Day Mass @ ICP, Colville
Tim Montowski suggested that a parishioner drive back and forth with Father when he travels to Republic for the Christmas Eve Mass
Randy said the Knights of Columbus will continue to support YG activities – especially sponsorship for events like Steubenville.
Tim asked that the mechanical room be cleaned out. There is no clear path to critical items that a fire team would need access to. Discussed that the items could be put out at the November Potluck, and anything not taken would be given away or thrown away.
Dawna volunteered to take the lead on cleaning out the items and having them on display in the basement for the 1st Saturday Potluck on November 4th.
Each member was asked to provide Father with the length of term on the Pastoral Council starting next Fall.
Saturday, December 9th @ 7:00 p.m.
Summary of the Immaculate Conception Pastoral Council held on September 26, 2023
Fr. Kenny, John Arendas, Cindy Campbell, Jayne Deardorff, Kathy Johnson, Lenny Neyens and Ted Van Cleave attended the meeting.
Father’s Updates
Youth Group
• Youth Group (YG) meets each Wednesday during the school year. Each evening begins with dinner followed by an activity, Father’s lesson, and guided mediation in front of the Eucharist. Additional adults attending Ordinary Rite of Christian Initiation (OCIA) attend each Wednesday as well, but they join only for the lesson and adoration.
• Ali Usher is assisting both Deer Park YG and our YG and the two groups are collaborating on future events.
Annual Report
• Father has the numbers assembled and finances look good.
• The report will be much abbreviated from last year’s reports with pie charts and graphs. Looking at two pages.
Christmas Mass Schedule
• Saturday, December 23 6:00 p.m. Sunday Vigil Mass @ Sacred Heart of Jesus
• Sunday, December 24 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass at ICP, Colville
• Sunday, December 24 4:00 p.m. Christmas Mass @ ICP, Colville
• Sunday, December 24 6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass @ Sacred Heart of Jesus
• Sunday, December 24 9:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass @ ICP, Republic
• Monday, December 25 9:00 a.m. Christmas Day Mass @ ICP, Colville
Amazing Parish (
• Father Kenny and five other priests from the Diocese were invited to attend the Amazing Parish summit in Phoenix. Amazing Parish is a movement began about five years ago by Pat Lencioni and John Martin to collaborate with primarily diocesan priests in their leadership and help establish organizational health of a parish.
• Father attended the follow-on Amazing Parish Boot Camp (Zoom based) and is working with an Amazing Parish consultant. began to develop the Parish Leadership Team. Teams generally consist of three to five individuals.
• Our Parish Leadership team consists of four people – Phil Stalp, Dave Hewes, Cindy Campbell, and Loriann Gigous. These four individuals will meet over the next six to eight weeks using pre-scripted videos from Amazing Parish. That will be followed by additional working sessions.
• The Parish Leadership team is culture focused as well as working Father in daily parish management and operating principles. The Pastoral Council will continue to collaborate with Father as well advising on items specific to a parish.
• Pausing on Mission Statements for right now
Immaculate Conception Projects
Phase 2 Renovation (moving the Tabernacle, creation of a grotto, Saints positioned in the corners.
• This remains on hold.
Pre-Born Memorial
• Working with Dave Hewes and others to design and build the aluminum frame that will house the Memorial. The aluminum frame will have stone or brick on it.
Lightning: Floener Electric has replaced the lights in the parking lot with LED lights. The Church will receive a rebate from Avista for going with more efficient lighting.
Security: Project has been completed in the office area.
Railing for the altar
• The railing will be used by Extraordinary Ministers and Lectors who go up and down the steps of the altar.
• In process but moving slowly.
Pews for people with disabilities:
• Working with Jayne to get an opinion on the appropriate location for wheelchair access.
Colville Haven – Cindy to see what is happening with the building.
Member Terms for 2024 and beyond
• Each member was asked to provide Father with the length of term on the Pastoral Council starting next Fall.
Set the next meeting date.
• Saturday, November 28th @ 6:30 p.m.
Father gave some additional background on the Eucharistic Revival/Expo 23 that is being held on September 10th at The Podium. The Eucharistic Revival is a three-year activity undertaken by the USCCB. NW Cabling installed the intercom and door system at the ICP Parish office on Thursday, May 18th. C N T Upholstery has placed an order for the materials. Once they receive confirmation of the delivery date, C N T will schedule the work. Father explained that Bishop Daly recently asked parishes to consider the resumption of the liturgical practice of offering the Precious Blood of Christ at Communion at Masses. Fahter has taken that under review. Pew census data from 2004 was compared to pew census data in 2023. The diocese experienced a steep drop in attendance from ’04 to 2023 and our numbers reflect that trend. See the attached notes for additional information
o Signage
Cindy talked with Tim on Wednesday, May 3rd. He suggested going to the WA DOT Shed in Colville and getting the SHJ plot diagram. That diagram would show whether the road fronting the church is really a road or a convenient drive through.
Cindy Went to the DOT Shed on Monday, 5/8 with pictures. They wanted signpost information (238), my contact information, and information on exactly what we wanted. No engineer is available immediately to assist. Will check back with the DOT the week of May 15th.
Members of the council suggested that any signage include power for lighting that would better reflect that entrance to the parking lot.
The Immaculate Conception Pastoral Council met on Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Summary of the March/April Sacred Heart of Jesus Pastoral Council Meeting held on March 22, 2023
Summary of the February 28th Immaculate Conception Pastoral Council meeting held on February 28, 2023
Summary of the February 11, 2023 Sacred Heart of Jesus Pastoral Council
The minutes for the January 23,2023 Immaculate Conception Pastoral Council are available for viewing and downloading
November 2022 SHJ Pastoral Council Minutes
Meeting summary from October 8, 2022 SHJ Pastoral Council
Meeting Minutes from the October 2022 ICP Pastoral Council Meeting
September 2022 Immaculate Conception Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
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