Altar Servers carry the cross, the processional candles, hold the book for the priest, carry the incense and censer, assist the priest at the altar during the Mass and assist the priest as necessary.
Altar servers are needed for daily and weekend Masses, funerals, and Holy Days at all our parishes.
If you are interested in being an altar server at any of our three parishes, please contact the Immaculate Conception Parish Office @ 509.684.6223.
Members of this ministry coordinate Mass hospitality on 2nd and 4th Sundays September through May after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.
They are called on to pick-up doughnuts and bagels the day of the Mass, make juice and coffee, serve food, and clean-up.
The ministry works best with a minimum of two people.
If you are interested in assisting with this ministry, please contact the Immaculate Conception Parish Office @ 509.684.6223.
Adoration of Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament is one of the best ways to grow in our relationship with Him and to grow in holiness–as all Catholics are called to do.
Eucharistic Adoration is available at Immaculate Conception each First Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; each Thursday at 7:15 a.m. for one hour; and each Friday at 7:45 a.m. for one hour.
We welcome additional adorers! If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Adorer on First Fridays, please contact the Immaculate Conception Parish Office @ 509.684.6223.
The Parish finance councils provide consultation and assistance to Fr. Kenny in the financial administration of the parishes. The councils’ primary duties include reviewing the annual budget as well as reviewing the financial condition of the parishes on a regular basis. The finance councils meet regularly in addition to any special meetings at the request of Fr. Kenny.
Current members of the Immaculate Conception finance council include Joe Fazzari (chair), Shannon Kubesh, Becky Marshall, Pam Milliette-Gotham and Phil Stalp.
Current members of the Sacred Heart of Jesus finance council include Dave Hewes (chair), Joe Machala, and Ed Parazoo.
Current members of the Pure Heart of Mary finance council include Art Paine (chair) and Lori Sprague.
The Tri County North Parishes participate with other members of the Colville Faith Community to offer free lunches each weekday.
Our Friendship Feast is offered on Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. as part of this program.
Volunteers can help before, during and after the Friendship Feast.
If you are interested in helping with thisministry, please contact the Immaculate Conception Parish Office @ 509.684.6223.
Members of this ministry serve and create a warm and loving lunch service at the time of a funeral.
They are called on to set tables, make juice and coffee, serve food, clean up and return supplies to storage following luncheons.
The time requirements vary based on funeral times and needs. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, reach out to:
Janey Kuh,,
Adult parishioners who serve as Greeters are many times the first ministers one meets when they arrive at our parish for any celebration. Greeters also assist in offertory, ensure orderly flow at communion time, and provide additional assistance as needed.
Their warm, friendly smile and welcoming greeting sets the tone for the worship experience.
If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Immaculate Conception Parish Office @ 509.684.6223.
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Fraternal Organization dedicated to promoting and conducting educational, charitable, religious, and social welfare works, rendering mutual aid and assistance to sick and needy members and their families, and providing insurance products and annuities to benefit members, wives, and children. The Tri County North Knights of Columbus provide Coats for Kids, Christmas Cards, books and provide support for all parish events.
Pleaase Contact Dave Hewes at if you would like additional information
The Music Ministry brings richness to the Mass by supporting and encouraging active participation of all assembled through song and response. Music, a joyful form of prayer, gives glory to God and assists parishioners of to experience Him through the power and beauty of song. This ministry provides musical direction and brings together parishioners who share a passion for music.
If you are interested in becoming part of the Music Ministry at any of our three parishes, please contact the Immaculate Conception Parish Office @ 509.684.6223.
Lectors are men and women who proclaim the Word of God by reading First and Second Readings, and the Prayer of the Faithful at the weekend, daily and Holy Day liturgies.
A Lector must have a passion for the Scripture and good public speaking skills.
Our training will prepare you to speak with confidence and proclaim the Scripture clearly and distinctly.
If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Immaculate Conception Parish Office @ 509.684.6223.
Created for Catholics looking to learn or re-learn the keys to their faith, or for any interested in becoming Catholic.
• Immaculate Conception library - Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. from September through May
• No pre-registration required – join us when you can!
Each lesson stands alone, so you won’t “fall behind.”
The sessions are listed in the parish bulletin. Please feel free to join us any Tuesday evening.
A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week. Each group volunteers about once a month.
The focus of the Tri County North Pastoral Councils is to “Rebuild with Vision.” In partnership with Father St. Hilaire, the Pastoral Councils work to lay out a plan to re-establish connections with parishioners and non-parishioners, identify what a good, thriving, parish in our community looks like and then execute on that vision. .
Pastoral Council Members for Sacred Heart of Jesus (Kettle Falls) are: Cindy Campbell, Randy Carstens, Todd Kowitz, Heather Miller, Tim Montowski, Dawna Paraxoo, and Father Kenneth St. Hilaire. This council meets the Second Saturday of each month September thru May.
Pastoral Council Memebers for Immaculate Conception (Colville) are: John Arendas, Cindy Campbell, Jayne Deardorff, Kathy Johnson, Lenny Neyens, Father Kenneth St. Hilaire, Ted Van Cleave and Wendy Woods. This council meets the Fourth Tuesday of each month September thru May.
The Prayer Line is a network of parishioners dedicated to providing support to those in need of prayers. This ministry exists to present the praises and petitions of our church and community before the Lord. Praying for each other is the gift we offer to one another within our Christian community.
The Prayer Line is always in need of additional individuals willing to pray for those in need as well as a key ministry for those in need of prayers.
Contact: JoHanna Andrews, (509)-680-4673
PREPARES is a response of the Catholic community providing families supportive services from pregnancy to age five, serving the vulnerable and promoting life throughout the Tri-Parish Catholic Community as well as in Republic. Monthly diaper distribution and other activities such as community baby showers. We are blessed that this ministry continues to create relationships with other ministries and community organizations to help those in need.
Contact: Pat Taylor,, (509)-942-9542
Sacristans play an important role in the preparation of the Sacrament of the Mass. Their duties consist of preparing the Holy Eucharist for the celebration of the Mass. This includes readying the wine, water, and bread. They light the candles, arrange the books, and basically perform a little housekeeping before Mass begins.
After Mass, the sacristans clean, store and place everything back in its place before leaving the church.
Contact @ Immaculate Conception: Fran Trail,, 509-680-2130
The Servants of the Sick (SOS) is a group of parish volunteers who offer Communion visits and outreach to those Catholics who are unable to attend Mass regularly. SOS visits in local nursing homes and provides in-home visits as well.
SOS is inspired by the example of St. Camillus de Lellis, who devoted his life to compassionate work among the sick.
Contact: Dave Hewes,, (509) 680-3885
Stations of the Cross are held Friday evenings at 5:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart of Jesus (Kettle Falls) and Immaculate Conception (Colville) during Lent.
Stations are followed by soup and sharing.
Volunteers who care for and beautify the grounds and church.
Preparing parents for the formation of their child’s faith.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound.
Men and women who assist at Mass or Funeral masses to enhance the worship of our faith community.
Responsible for the preparation and care of the altar linens. This includes the washing and ironing of purificators, corporals, and altar linens.
Rite of Christian Initiation – preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments.
Volunteers who assist people to their seat if necessary. They also take up the collection.